Windshield Repair Technicians Express Concern About Children Left in Hot Cars

The California Windshield Technicians Association (CWTA) has expressed concerns over children and pets who may have been accidentally left inside hot cars.

Speaking before an emergency response summit organized in San Diego, CWTA President Luke Davidson says as auto glass experts, they know how dangerous it is to be left inside these hot cars given the temperature and lack of fresh air.

“We measure the temperature level inside hot cars to test for the strength of auto glass, as well as learn more about stress cracks, and it is just so alarming to hear that a small human person could be in danger inside one,” says Davidson. Power Window Wiki

Davidson says, it is best that drivers, and everyone for that matter be aware of what the state policies are for rescuing babies and pets who may be left inside hot cars, so that they would know how to respond. For instance, it is legal in some states to break a windshield to rescue a child, or a pet left inside a vehicle on a summer day. Other states though may not support this type of response, and the good samaritan may just end up getting arrested for trespassing or property damage, and be liable for the repair of the smashed window.

Now for those who may want to take that risk to save a life, the CWTA says, they have to be calm, and try not to panic while moving to free the child or the pet. Since shattered glass can injure the child if you will be smashing it on her side, try to break in on another window at least to get in more air. At the same time, it could help you unlock the door nearest to the child. Auto Glass Week

The CWTA says you can use any pointed object and target the corner most portion of a car window as this is where the auto glass is at its weakest. Once smashed, remove the broken glass until you can get better clearance to rescue the child or the pet left inside the vehicle. There are also auto glass breakers in the market today. According to the CWTA emergency breakers can be incredibly helpful in times of emergencies, and car owners should consider investing in one.

The CWTA says if you cannot smash the auto glass window, you can always ask for the help of authorities in rescuing the child or the pet inside the hot car. Just wait with the child or the pet until help arrives.


City Auto Glass
309 S Mollison Ave UNIT 3 El Cajon CA 92020